Are you stressing out about your upcoming engagement session?

Not sure if your fiancé is going to enjoy it or want to participate? Check out these tips to get him excited about it:

Engagement couple sitting in tall grass

Motivate him with a bribe. For example, if you don’t like watching baseball, and he’s been asking you to go to a game with him. Tell him you will go with him and then follow through on your promise.

Make it Worth His While

In the time leading up to the session, explain to him what’s going to happen that day. He’s probably never done anything like this before and doesn’t know what to expect. He’s not on Pinterest all the time looking up cute engagement photos or anything like that.

He may not know anything about this kind of session, or even understand what it’s for. Tell him that the photographer is going to have you hold hands, cuddle, hug and kiss. (That doesn't sound too hard to do!) You want to explain the session to him beforehand, so sounds like fun, not work. Let him know that it will be OK, because you’ll be there the whole time, and it will all be fun.

Engagement couple nuzzling

Engaged Couple standing together on the beach

Picture day is super stressful, so it’s easy to get frustrated beforehand. Just keep in mind to be extra patient. This will make the session better, because you’re not upset with each other over something that happened on the drive over. If you're not upset at the beginning, you’ll be able to relax and be more affectionate during the session.

Be Extra Understanding

Explain the importance of the photos to him. You could say something like: “I know this is stressful, and you don’t want to do it, but I want this to be all about us. In 50 years, I want to be able to look back on these photos and share them with our grandchildren. These are important to me.” This way he doesn’t think it’s just something that is on his checklist that he has to do before the wedding. He loves you; he’ll do it for you.

Engaged Couple standing together on the beach with smoke bomb

Incorporate His Ideas into the Session

Engaged Couple standing together on the beach smiling at each other

Ask him if he has any ideas for the session. If he has something he wants to do, then he will be more excited about getting the results. He will feel involved. Let him know it’s about him too, not just all about you. Think about what makes you unique as a couple and incorporate those ideas into the session, whether it be a location, props, clothing, etc.

You'll both be mentally prepared for your session and have an amazing time that you will never forget!

Here's an article on How to Plan a Small Inexpensive Wedding

Man twirling fiance on the beach

Haven't scheduled your engagement session yet? Inquire about your date here: