Brittney & Jared's Love Story:

Brittney met Jared in 2017 on her first day of university at Eastern. He sat across from her and she couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Jared went home that first day after classes and when his mom asked how his day was, he told her that "there’s a cute redhead in one of my classes".  They ended up getting to know each other and hanging out before and after classes for a few weeks "as friends" before their love story began.

They were "just friends" for two months. After that, things started getting more serious. This was the beginning of their love story.

When troubled times hit Brittney, he loved her anyway. When she felt alone, he never left her side. She tried to push him away, but he still held her. Jared’s love and support never faltered. Brittney didn’t know someone could love her like that.

A Move to Chicago

Around 2019, Brittney moved to Chicago. Jared continued to support and stick with her. He was willing to come visit, support & encourage her to explore the city, and hang out with friends. Jared supported her through those hard years physically apart. 

Their Love Story Grows in Minnesota

Then there was the move to Minnesota. Jared was willing to move wherever was best for Brittney and her career. One thing that showed his love for her was that he was willing to let her paint the walls of wherever they moved (even though he knew they would have to paint them back to white before leaving and he hated painting). He gave endlessly. He loved her like she'd never felt before, and he was unlike any man she'd met before. 


They had talked about marriage in the past. Brittney was the first one to try to tell Jared she loved him. She was the one to kiss him first, (although he pulled away out of fear). She concluded that proposing was the only way to go. They had discussed doing a photoshoot for fun with one of her Chicago friends. She secretly planned to propose to him at that photoshoot.

Wedding rings sitting on a rock with rock background.

Not being good at keeping secrets, she kept accidentally talking about rings (he wanted Enso rings). One day, he opened her email app and the top email was confirmation that her Enso ring order was on the way. She, always subtle, yanked her phone out of his hand and said, “Don’t look at that!”

After her numerous failed attempts at concealing her plan, she decided to propose on their fifth anniversary in 2022, instead of waiting a few months for the planned photoshoot. She painted a picture that bore the words "Will You Marry Me" and adorned it with images depicting their shared hobbies. Carrying the canvas and the rings, she surprised him with coffee in bed, presenting the proposal in that intimate moment. He happily accepted and revealed that he had also planned to propose during the upcoming photoshoot. Although slightly disappointed that they did not experience a simultaneous proposal, she believes that their unique proposal is perfect for them and aligns well with their story.

The Only One For Her

They spent their days exactly as she had imagined when she was younger. They had cats. She would overhear Jared working or talking to friends, they would do mundane things together, and shared countless inside jokes. He was everything her younger self would have dreamed of having one day. She hadn’t known that men like him existed. She didn't know that someone could make her feel so safe and loved. At times, she found it scary. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

She felt as though there was immense pressure on her to be perfect for him. In therapy, she was working on the realization that he loved her for who she was. She didn’t have to be perfect in any of her previous situations for him to love her, she didn’t need to be perfect to deserve his love. She just had to be the best she could be each day. He had taught her so much in their relationship. His family had also been instrumental in her growth. She had never met anyone as patient, kind, and forgiving as him. He was everything she had ever dreamed of, and she never wanted to let him go.

They had been together 6 years. He had done so much for her that she knew she could spend the rest of her life trying to repay him. To be loved is to be changed, and she couldn’t even begin to describe the countless ways Jared’s love had changed her for the better.

The Wedding

Jared and Brittney were married in Lupton, MI, June 1, 2024, in Brittney's grandmother's beautiful back yard. The backyard was beautifully manicured with a stream running through it. They were married under a wooden arch in front of that stream.

The reception was held within walking distance at a local township hall.

First Look

Love story, First Look, Father and Bride

Brittney had a first look session with her father at the hall before her wedding ceremony.

She had a first look with Jared at a small wooded area with a large overhanging tree. They set up a table and chairs and opened some champagne to celebrate some quiet time together before the ceremony.

First Look: Bride and Groom before the wedding sitting at a small table under a tree drinking champagne.


Jared and Brittney let me in on a surprise they were planning for their parents. They spent 6 months taking dance lessons before the wedding. Their first dance was a tango to the Taylor Swift song, "Love Story".

Father-daughter dance at a wedding reception.

Brittney's father-daughter dance was a surprise as well. They always danced to a special song by Bruno Mars together. Brittney surprised her father with that Bruno Mars song.


Bride showing off her wedding dress and shoes.

Everything went off almost perfectly smoothly in this love story. As we all know, everything can be planned perfectly, but things can go wrong. One of the only glitches was that Brittney left her wedding shoes in Minnesota, but her wedding crocs were so much more comfortable anyway!

When Jared went to get the rings, Brittney's engagement ring was missing. There was a few moments of panic, searching bags and cars for a lost engagement ring, until someone checked and confirmed that Brittney was wearing it! Whew! Now all could relax and laugh about that one!

The Reception was held at the Lupton Township Hall in Lupton, MI (It has been renovated in the last few years.)

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